Jigsaws Galore Free (com.jigsawsgalore.jigsawsgaloreappfree) は iBoostUp ユーザーにより検出・報告された Mac OS X ソフトウェア アプリです。
iBoostUp ユーザーがシステム上で検知・報告した最新バージョンは Jigsaws Galore Free7.35.2 です。 弊社ユーザーから最も人気のバージョンは 7.2.0 です。 Jigsaws Galore Free は macOS 10.6.0 とそれ以降が必要です。
発行元の情報 :
A free version of the ultimate jigsaw puzzle game! Comes with 64 beautiful puzzles for you to solve. Each puzzle can be played many times over by changing the number of pieces or the style of pieces. Simply right-click a completed puzzle icon to start it over.
There are also many additional jigsaw sets available for this game at our web site!
** Please note ** This free version does not include the ability to create new jigsaws.
Simply double-click a jigsaw to start playing it or have fun trying out the many powerful features. Here are just some of them:
Choose the number of pieces you want from 4 to 64,000
Choose the size and style of pieces
Choose the thickness of pieces, such as paper, card or wood
Turn rotation on and off at any time, even while playing
Automatically arrange pieces around the edge or in a grid
Automatically sort pieces by similar shape and color
Create any number of handy trays
Solve onto the adjustable background ghost image
Use the Magnifying glass for a close-up view
Complete with undo/redo moves, auto-solve, programmable textures, skins, colors, sounds, help manual and much more.
Gray Design Associates 関連アプリ :
Jigsaws Galore,
Jigsaws Galore.
Jigsaws Galore Free の詳細は ここをクリック。Jigsaws Galore Free のアップデートを探してダウンロードするにはここをクリック。
Jigsaws Galore Free のアンインストール方法は ここをクリック。
Jigsaws Galore Free のアップデート方法は ここをクリック。