LanScan (com.iwaxx.lanscan) は iBoostUp ユーザーにより検出・報告された Mac OS X ソフトウェア アプリです。
iBoostUp ユーザーがシステム上で検知・報告した最新バージョンは LanScan862 です。 弊社ユーザーから最も人気のバージョンは 62 です。 LanScan は macOS 10.15 とそれ以降が必要です。
発行元の情報 :
LanScan is a simple and efficient IPv4 & IPv6 network scanner that discovers all active devices on any subnet: the local one, or any public subnet that you configure.
IPv4 Features:
Auto-detection of configured interfaces: Airport, Ethernet, Virtual interfaces ...
Scan the IP range you like, from 1 IP to the whole IPv4 address space!
Scan your local network with ARP packets
Scan public IP network ranges with Ping / SMB / mDNS packets
Display the IP address, MAC address, hostname (4 max) and vendor associated
Discover the SMB domain if any configured
Hostname resolution: DNS, mDNS (Apple devices) and SMB (Windows devices)
Custom hostname edition
Custom comment for each device
Open custom URL in browser
Export results in CSV files
Hide/show each column
Align each column as you want
No limitation on the number of devices found !
IPv6 Features:
Displays Link-Local (private) and Global (public) IPv6 addresses.
Like IPv4, some features in free trial and full unobfuscation through an In-App Purchase
Go in Help In-App purchases for more details
Restrictions in free trial version compared to Pro In-App Purchase:
Some hostnames, comments, TCP ports or IPv6 addresses might be obfuscated in free trial
The free trial only obfuscate results, but display them all : if a column is blank or empty, buying a Pro In-App feature won't make any new result appear.
iwaxx Sarl 関連アプリ :
Debookee Tools,
LanScan Pro.
LanScan の詳細は ここをクリック。LanScan のアップデートを探してダウンロードするにはここをクリック。
LanScan のアンインストール方法は ここをクリック。
LanScan のアップデート方法は ここをクリック。