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How To Uninstall Smart Converter Pro

Generally speaking, uninstalling any app on macOS is pretty easy. You might want to remove an app you no longer use to just free up disk space.

Today I'll show you 3 very easy ways to uninstall and completely remove Smart Converter Pro from your Mac, so let's get straight to it!

 Handy hint:
The best way to uninstall Smart Converter Pro is with iBoostUp's Uninstall tool (free download)

1. The standard and easiest way to uninstall Smart Converter Pro:

2. How to remove Smart Converter Pro using the Terminal:

 - Open the macOS Terminal from Applications > Utilities.
 - Type killall "Smart Converter Pro", hit ENTER
 - Type rm -rf "/Applications/Smart Converter Pro.app", then hit ENTER.
 - If that fails, try typing sudo rm -rf "/Applications/Smart Converter Pro.app"
 - Now type rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.shedworx.smartconverterpro, hit ENTER.

This will remove Smart Converter Pro from your Mac, but some supporting and related files will be left behind. Read on for how to remove those.

3. Completely remove Smart Converter Pro and related files using iBoostUp's Uninstaller:

Click for more infomation on Smart Converter Pro.


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